
  • Pastor’s Message:  The First Sunday of Lent 2023

    Pastor’s Message: The First Sunday of Lent 2023

    Thanks to all who volunteered a home for the SHOPSMITH Mark V unit.  In a surprising turn of events, it turns out that my brother’s parish at Most Sacred Heart not only had the room but needed that equipment for some building and renovation they are doing.  Indeed a win-win…  (plus my brother actually thinks…

  • Pastor’s Message: A Win-Win Scenario

    Pastor’s Message: A Win-Win Scenario

    I know it is the waning hours of Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday, and Lent begins tomorrow, so you would suspect that this will be a ‘spiritual pep talk’ as we begin the next forty days.  You would be wrong.  However, I am looking to create a win-win scenario with one lucky parishioner out there.  

  • Help a St. Justin Martyr Family in Need

    Help a St. Justin Martyr Family in Need

    Last weekend, they experienced a sudden tragedy when their home caught on fire. The family members are okay, but the house is in need of great repair. Currently, the family is living in a hotel due to all the damages.

  • Pastor’s Message: All Things New Second Draft Models

    Pastor’s Message: All Things New Second Draft Models

    Though I was not expecting to send this out until Friday, apparently, someone sent out the 2nd Draft Models of the parish configurations to the press today, so, in response, the Archdiocese moved up the timeline.  The hope was that everyone would receive the same information at the same time.  But seeing as that is…

  • Pastor’s Message: Catholic Schools Week

    Pastor’s Message: Catholic Schools Week

    Though you will also see this in the bulletin for this coming week, I thought to get this out there in as many ways as possible, so you know where we are in the process. All Things New – status report, from the Archdiocese…

  • Pastor’s Message: All Things New Listening Feedback Summary

    Pastor’s Message: All Things New Listening Feedback Summary

    I am attaching the SJM Listening Feedback Summary report from the folks at All Things New.  It is a combination of the feedback sessions back in November, the surveys that were due on Dec. 31st, and the individual feedback from emails and letters.