
  • Annual Catholic Appeal For the Life of the World

    Annual Catholic Appeal For the Life of the World

    Christ’s love and sacrifice For the Life of the World is the source of our hope and must shine through in our love for one another. The Annual Catholic Appeal is an opportunity to serve the Lord with gladness. Each year, our gifts make His love present throughout the Archdiocese of St. Louis and lead…

  • Fr. Hecktor vs. Scammers

    Fr. Hecktor vs. Scammers

    Fr. Hecktor does NOT need your assistance. He does appreciate your prayers! Please remember that neither Fr. Hecktor nor any St. Justin Martyr Staff member will ever ask for money or gift cards via a text message or email. Please check with the Parish Office before replying if you receive such a message. Call us…

  • SJM Poinsettias Fundraiser

    SJM Poinsettias Fundraiser

    This holiday season, we are organizing a Poinsettia Fundraiser to create a means for the Christmas Miracle to come alive by raising funds that will assist the Home and School Organization. Through December 14th.

  • Pavilion Project

    Pavilion Project

    Years ago, we began planning to build a pavilion on the soccer field, including a small covered area with a concession stand and a restroom.  It was put on hold for a few years, but we are now reviving the project to continuously improve the parish and enhance the experience of all who visit and…

  • Bake a Batch (or 2) of Cookies?

    Bake a Batch (or 2) of Cookies?

    Most of us don’t have the opportunity to visit those confined in prisons, but now we have the chance to connect with them through a gift from our own hands!  The Criminal Justice Ministry of St. Louis is seeking donations of cookies to be delivered to the correctional centers in Potosi and Farmington.

  • Fifth Grade Dancing Classrooms

    Fifth Grade Dancing Classrooms

    Fifth grade students use some of their PE time to participate in Dancing Classrooms. Dancing Classrooms is a national organization whose purpose is to foster a just, joyful world through dance.