
  • Soul Sisters Women’s Group: Gratitude

    Soul Sisters Women’s Group: Gratitude

    The Soul Sisters invite you to share lunch and thoughts on choosing gratitude instead of complaining to help us move through challenging times. We will share the story of Joni Eareckson Tada who was paralyzed at age 17 and who chose to be grateful for her injury and life challenges.

  • Sixth Grade Social Studies: Greek Temples

    Sixth Grade Social Studies: Greek Temples

    The Sixth Grade is studying Ancient Greece in Social Studies. One of their projects was to build a Greek temple.

  • Catholic Schools Week Thank You!

    Catholic Schools Week Thank You!

    St. Justin Martyr joins with the Archdiocese of St. Louis in celebrating Catholic Schools Week and thanking our teachers! Click on the video to view the message from our leaders in St. Louis Catholic Education.

  • Pastor’s Christmas Message

    Pastor’s Christmas Message

    Thanks to all who made our Christmas Celebrations such a wonderful experience of prayer and beauty. Everyone from our Covid Sanitizing crew (yes, we still sanitize the church daily) to our wonderful musicians and cantors, to our seaters and greeters, and perhaps like no other time, our ministers of Art and Environment. Maybe I just…

  • Christmas Message from Archbishop Rozanski

    Christmas Message from Archbishop Rozanski

    2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. But in this time of need, God’s presence is most evident. Just at this moment the whole world seems to pause as we draw closer together.

  • PSR News Coming Soon!

    PSR News Coming Soon!

    PSR Families—Be on the lookout! Our new Director of Faith Formation and Missionary Discipleship, Ms. Marge Meiners, will be sending out an email with new updates regarding PSR classes by the end of the week! Thank you for your support and patience!  If you should have any questions before then, please contact her at meiners@stjustinmartyr.orgThank you!