Committed to Stewardship
From the founding of our parish 50 years ago through today, our parishioners have embraced the model of faithful stewardship, providing for the ministries of our parish and school. While it is common for Catholic parishes to rely on general contributions to subsidize school funds, SJM is unique in asking that all parishioners, not just school families, see the school as an essential ministry of the parish, forming faith-filled students and their families. All members of the parish are asked to prayerfully reflect and consider their annual stewardship commitment of time, talent, and treasure. We ask members to consider tithing 5-8% of their gross income, as a guideline, to support the administration of our school, keeping in mind the cost of education.
We are the last remaining parish in the Archdiocese of St. Louis to operate our school with the stewardship model. As costs have increased in recent years and more parishes have turned to a tuition-based model to support their schools, our community remains committed to this philosophy. A strong sense of community and fellowship sets SJM apart, and it stems from this deep-rooted sense that we are all partners in a shared mission. Whether the need at hand is cleaning up after a major parish event, supporting a family going through a medical diagnosis, remodeling a classroom, grieving someone who has lost a loved one, or anything in between, the stewardship model not only enhances our commitment to our brothers and sisters in Christ, it enhances our stability as a parish. This model also encourages our school families to see themselves as part of the larger parish community, and to remain committed to their faith beyond the elementary years. It is a reminder that our role as a Catholic community is to build the kingdom of God across all ages and stages of life.
Father Hecktor, Pastor