Quick Facts
2023-24 School Year Facts
Elementary K-8 Enrollment: 165
Preschool Enrollment: 37
Number of Families: 127
Number of Staff: 32
Average Class Size (K-8): 18
Teacher to Student Ratio: 1:9
School Hours: 7:50 am to 3:10pm
Preschool Hours: 7:30am to 2:55pm
Tithing to support school costs: St. Justin Martyr is a parish which embraces stewardship, with all members of the parish community contributing to the support of the educational programs. We do not impose tuition on our day school (grades K-8). We ask all parishioners to contribute 5% – 10% of their gross income to support all of our parish’s ministries, including the day school.
Tuition for non-parishioners: We do charge tuition for non-parishioners. Contact the Rectory for details.
Preschool Tuition: For the detailed preschool tuition schedule, click on St. Justin Preschool Tuition under School Documents.
Preschool Age Requirement: Children must be 3 years old before their first day of school.
Accreditation Association: National Federation of Non-Public School State Accrediting Association
Aftercare: Staffed and supervised by St. Justin School personnel, daily childcare after school until 5:30 pm. For more information about our childcare programs, contact the school office.
Hot Lunch: Tuesday – Thursday, Hot lunch planned and prepared by St. Justin parent volunteers.