Parish Groups and Activities

  • Pastor’s Message: Mary, the Mother of God Missive (aka, Happy New Year!) 2023

    Pastor’s Message: Mary, the Mother of God Missive (aka, Happy New Year!) 2023

    Happy New Year.  Prayers that this year is off to a good start.  (I got to play golf in shirt sleeves Sunday.  That was pretty cool!) SO, Fr. Chris is settling into his rooms as I write this.  And we have had a bit of time to chat about a few things.

  • Pastor’s Message: The Week Before Christmas 2022

    Pastor’s Message: The Week Before Christmas 2022

    Do to the impending threat of a winter storm and extremely COLD temperatures, we are MOVING our LIVE NATIVITY from Thursday, Dec. 22, to WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21st.  And the start time will also be a little later – so, from 6:00 to 8:00.  This has the added benefit of allowing you time to feed your children…

  • Pastor’s Message: Christmas Announcements

    Pastor’s Message: Christmas Announcements

    So, a few items on this windy Friday night. The Christmas Mass Schedule is as follows: Christmas Eve – 5pm and 10pm (not midnight as it says in the bulletin.) and Christmas Day – 9am and 11am. Note – there are no scheduled confessions on Christmas eve from 4 – 4:45, but by appointment earlier that…

  • Pastor’s Message: Advent Announcements 2022

    Pastor’s Message: Advent Announcements 2022

    So, a few announcements… There is a blood drive NEXT Sunday, 12/18/22. For patients in need, donated blood can change everything. Blood products are used to help people – our friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers – as they treat cancer, chronic diseases, and traumatic injuries. And they are only possible with the help of volunteer…

  • Pastor’s Message: Advent 2022

    Pastor’s Message: Advent 2022

    Advent seemed to rush upon me this year.  And because of that, I am grateful that it is a full four weeks this year…  That is the advantage of it falling on a Sunday.  Prayers for us all, that we use this graced time to grow in holiness and love.

  • Pastor’s Message: Thanksgiving 2022

    Pastor’s Message: Thanksgiving 2022

    Thursday, November 24, 2022: A few practical things first: Thanksgiving Day’s Mass will be at 9am. Plenty of time to get the bird in the oven before you stop by and give thanks… There WILL be an 8am Mass on Friday. to Thursday, January 1, 1970: A few practical things first: Thanksgiving Day’s Mass will…