First Sunday of Advent 2021

Dear Beloved Parishioners,

  Just a few quick reminders about Masses this weekend…

It is the new year in the church calendar, and so we have new hymnals.  Those are ready to go.  And if you had taken a hymnal home with you to pray at home, and still have the hymnal cover, and would like to continue bringing the new hymnal back and forth with you to Mass, there are extra’s  without covers on a table between the library and vesting sacristy.  Leave your old hymnal in the box below the table (to be recycled), and put a new one in your current cover, and you are good to go for another year. 


You will notice that we have moved the pulpit to the right side of the sanctuary.  That simple move really opens up space in the sanctuary for the Tabernacle that was always hidden behind the pulpit.  Though it will take a bit of getting used to, I think you will like the change.

For those still livestreaming, I thought it would be an easy fix to make the transition on our presets to accommodate the change in Pulpit placement.  Alas, nothing is as easy as one hopes for…  So, though the stream will go forward, on those masses where we have a person controlling the camera, we don’t YET have the ability to zoom in on the reader.  One way or the other, we will be ready by next week…


And because we have a full set of hymnals, we will not be publishing disposable worship aids for the 5 and 9am Masses.


The Advent Giving tree is in the foyer.  You can pick up an ornament, and, if you wish, purchase the script cards there in the gatherings space, to make it one stop shopping.  THANKS AS ALWAYS for your generosity.  You all amaze me.


And there are two fundraisers – one by the scouts – Cinnabuns, if I remember correctly.  As well as Poinsettias for Polette – to help her family with their medical expenses…

(We do ask a lot, and it seems like a lot of fundraisers, food drives, etc., happen right around this time of year.  Pray, discern and then trust in what God puts into your heart to do…)


Fr. Bill


