Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

What is Catechesis of the Good Shepherd?

CGS is a Montessori-based Catholic faith formation program where children can grow in their relationship with God through a deep engagement in Scripture and liturgy. CGS is based on the belief that God and the child are already in relationship. Our work as adults is to provide a place for the child and God to come together and grow. It is rooted in Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. We offer level one CGS for children in preschool, kindergarten and first grade. We have trained parent volunteers to lead the weekly lessons for the students.

The Atrium: A prepared environment

The atrium is a specially designed learning environment where children and adults come together to pray, work, and contemplate the mystery of God and the presence of God in our lives. The atrium is designed to meet the developmental needs of the children and provide beautiful space to share in the process of discovering the Word of God together.

The Materials

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd uses hands-on materials that present central themes to the child. These materials draw the children into the mystery and make it possible for them to have a dialogue with the “Inner Teacher,” The Holy Spirit. The materials are hand-made by the catechists and parent volunteers. They are simple, yet beautiful, and are set-up in an organized curriculum.
Examples of materials found in the atrium include small clay figures of Jesus and the disciples used to meditate on the Last Supper; detailed interactive maps of the Land of Israel and the City of Jerusalem to help situate Jesus as a real person in time; Jerusalem Mustard Seeds and beautiful pearls to help ponder the Parables of the Kingdom of God; and a small Baptismal font and Paschal candle used to explore the significance of Baptism.



