Arrival begins begin at 7:30 and continues until 8am.
Cars will stop at one of three health screening stations along sidewalk in front of church/school.
Upon completion of the health screen, students will exit the car (with masks on) and proceed directly to and enter the school door assigned by grade:
* K-2 will enter the front main door
* 3-5 will enter the door outside the Learning Consultant’s Office
* 6-8 will enter the basement door playground side
Walkers (with parents accompanying them) will need to stop at one of the screening stations before entering school.
* Prior to school beginning, walking families will notify school office
of their plans to walk (every day or periodically).
All students will go directly to their classroom.
Middle School students will not access their lockers until released by their teacher.
Students will sanitize their hands upon arrival to the classroom.
For late arrivals (after 8am), students (with parents accompanying them) will buzz at the main entrance door and the nurse will exit the building to complete health screening and the parent will step in the vestibule to sign in their children
Parking lot closes at 3:00 (arrivals after 3:00 proceed to the Late Line).
All parents must stay within their vehicles.
Dismissal will be staggered between 3:05 and 3:10, one class will exit at a time through their assigned doors.
Students will proceed directly to their cars.
Teachers will accompany all classes out of the building to ensure social distancing in lines and quick exits.
Walking families should plan on a socially distanced gathering spot to wait for siblings.
For late pick-up, students will stay with their teachers until the Late Line has completely finished. Any students not picked up via the Late Line will be accompanied back to their classroom by their teacher, who will report to the office. The School Secretary will contact parents or other designated pick-up person. Parents arriving late will have to buzz at the main door to pick up their student, who will be sent out to meet them