Do you suffer from Wooden-Beam-in-the-Eye disease? 8th Sunday C

Do you suffer from Wooden-Beam-in-the-Eye disease?

It is an odd disease.  When you have this illness, you don’t feel sick. You don’t have any symptoms that YOU notice.  In fact, you usually feel pretty sharp when afflicted by this disease. It actually comes with a kind of euphoria, a sense of being on top of the world.

And that’s the problem with ‘Wooden Beam in the Eye’ disease, why it is so hard to diagnose. Like all disease, it attacks a part of your body and makes you unwell.  But this disease only manifests itself when we are pointing out – or are about to point out – other people’s faults.  Were it not for that symptom of the disease, we might never know we have it.

Oh, sure, we tell ourselves – because I don’t say those thoughts out loud – then I am fine. Because I never let that nosy neighbor know what I really think of her, I am not sick. I do NOT suffer from ‘Wooden Beam in the Eye’ disease. Well, yes, you do.

Many spiritual writers tell us that those very things that we see and love in others are what we see and love in ourselves.  AND those things we see and hate in others are also what we loath about ourselves.  Or, to use Jesus’ words: The splinter we call out in others IS the wooden beam in our own eye.  And we only recognize the splinter in others because of the wooden beam in our own.

Once, a hermit who lived on the outskirts of town by the side of the road that led into town, was asked by a visitor who approached: “What are the people like in that town ahead?” The hermit said, “Well, let me first ask you: ‘What were the people like in the town you just came from?’” The visitor said, “They are a dishonest group. They lie, they cheat, they steal. Don’t go there: they are bad people.” The hermit said, “Sadly, that is what you will find in this city as well.” The traveler thanked him and went his way.

Soon there was another visitor who asked the same question: What are the people like in that town ahead?” The hermit asked the same question: ‘What were the people like in the town you just came from?’ He replied that they were a kind and welcoming people, and there was a loving goodness you could almost feel in them.” The hermit said, “Happily, that is exactly the kind of people you will find in this town as well.”

From our hearts abundance, for good or ill, do we see the world.

My friends, we see others by what we have IN HERE. We only know ‘Wooden Beam in the Eye’ disease, the pettiness, the smallness of heart in our lives if we learn to pay attention to what we are so ready to call out in other people’s lives.

In some ways, there is a gift in this disease. In tapping into those ‘Wooden Beam in the Eye’ symptoms, we know the agenda for our own journey to holiness.  When we find ourselves gearing up for battle, about to lay into the ‘lazy co-worker’; the petty minded classmate, the gossipy neighbor – it should be like a warning bell going off.  HERE is what is unredeemed in me. HERE is where my heart is small; HERE is where ‘Wooden Beam in the Eye’ disease has taken hold.

With lent beginning this Wednesday, this Gospel comes at a providential time. Perhaps more important than giving up chocolate or sweets or alcohol or whatever, what if we began our preparation for Lent with an honest check for signs of Wooden-Beam-in-the-Eye disease?  It is as simple as looking at the last ‘rant’ we engaged in, the last time we complained about the splinter in someone else’s eye.  Be aware of that character flaw that bothers us, then look inward a bit. From there, plan this Lent accordingly.

Wooden-Beam-in-the-Eye disease.  Spiritual doctors will tell you it is quite common.  Without humility and self reflection, it is nearly impossible to detect, much less treat. Yet, it is a disease which offers the potential of great grace and holiness for us.  And if we surrender ourselves to our Lord’s love – here at this altar and here <<point to chest>> in our hearts, then we will find HIS abundance producing great grace in each of our lives.


