Day of Service

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Join us at our annual SJM Day of Service on the afternoon of Saturday, May 4th. We will have a variety of stations for people of all ages to participate! See the project list.

Sign up sheets will be available in the church gathering space starting the weekend of April 13/14 for volunteers who want to sign up for a specific area. Or sign up online here. You are also welcome to just show up that afternoon and be assigned where needed.

Our fleece blanket project needs fleece donations. Read more here.

Celebrate with Us Afterwards

Come to 5pm Mass after our work is done. After Mass we will gather in the upper parking lot for fellowship and celebration. All are welcome to join us, whether you participated in the Day of Service or not.

Coolers welcome, so bring your own food and drink. You can also preorder pizza and it will be waiting there for you.

Day of Service Projects – Sign Ups in Gathering Space

Contact Daniel Szatkowski at ‪(314) 948-0379‬ or for more information or if you have an idea for a project you would like to organize.

Rectory grounds tasks include: clearing vines and cleaning up leaf litter and sticks along the back fence; removing weeds and refreshing mulch in the insect art space; leveling wood chips and sealing furniture in the outdoor classroom; general yard maintenance like stick removal and mole hill leveling; cleaning AC condensers and inspecting insulation; and weeding and cleaning the patio area.

School grounds projects involve maintenance in several areas. In the front yard, sand and seal the wood benches, remove leaf litter, dead branches, and bushes, and reset a memorial stone and sprinkler head. Also, adjust garden border stones and redistribute existing mulch. In the backyard, clean up leaf litter and sticks, remove vines from fences, clear leaves from window wells and steps, repair the compost bin, and fill in low spots.

Parish Center grounds tasks include trimming ornamental grasses, picking up sticks, and removing leaf litter. Additional tasks are pruning lower branches from trees for easier mowing, removing guide poles from Redwood trees, and washing vinyl fences. Leaves need clearing from AC units and back door areas. Maintenance also involves redistributing gravel to suppress weeds, removing undergrowth from Cedar trees, cleaning gutters, and filling in soil along sidewalks and near signs.

Field and Playground projects focus on cleaning, painting, and repairs. Tasks include removing leaf litter from bushes and the baseball backstop, pruning shrubs, and picking up sticks on the hillside. Cleaning activities involve powerwashing and painting the kickwall. Other projects are painting the walking rosary beads, repairing and sealing the gaga pit, filling in low spots with soil, and removing player benches.

Church projects include touching up the paint on wire flower stands and black flower bases. (FULL)

Fleece Blankets: Make fleece tie blankets to donate to area hospitals and organizations.  No sewing skills are required. Please bring a pair of sharp scissors. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. This project will take place in the gym.

School building projects involve washing the exterior of basement windows and clearing out the boiler room, among other miscellaneous tasks.

Welcome Wagon: Call fellow parishioners to invite them to upcoming events.  A list of names and phone numbers will be provided.  Please bring a cell phone. This project will take place in the gym.


