Bake a Batch (or 2) of Cookies?

Most of us don’t have the opportunity to visit those confined in prisons, but now we have the chance to connect with them through a gift from our own hands!  The Criminal Justice Ministry of St. Louis is seeking donations of cookies to be delivered to the correctional centers in Potosi and Farmington. We have learned that chocolate chip cookies are the prisoners’ favorite, but we will be happy to have any of your favorite recipes.

The cookies must be delivered in plastic containers; there is no aluminum foil or metal allowed. If you could bake a batch (or 2) of cookies and bring them to the Gathering Space before noon on Friday, December 8, we will deliver them to the Criminal Justice Ministry. Please mark them CJM and place them on the table where we have Donut Sunday.

If you can bake, but have difficulty getting them to church, please contact one of us and we will pick them up (Carol Craft, 314-842-2626 or Barb Giese 314-849-0368). What a lovely way to honor Our Lady on her special feast day and show some Advent love!


