Years ago, we began planning to build a pavilion on the soccer field, including a small covered area with a concession stand and a restroom. It was put on hold for a few years, but we are now reviving the project to continuously improve the parish and enhance the experience of all who visit and use our parish. And given how popular sports are and how often the field is used, this will also fulfill a long-time need for a concession stand and restroom on our field. We had previously raised and set aside about $45,000 for the pavilion, but we still need approximately $100,000 more. The Buildings and Grounds Committee is researching and updating the project’s total cost. You can use this day to donate to this project or give at any time. We will keep you posted in the coming weeks on how you can give and help us meet our goal and get started on this exciting new part of our parish!
Support this project through Faith Direct or send your donation to the parish office anytime. Thank you for helping us meet our goal and get started on this exciting new part of our parish.