Dear Beloved Parishioner,
So, two quick thoughts on a Saturday afternoon. The graphic below communicates as effectively as any words I might use…
’nuff said…
And thanks to all whom have filled out the Disciple Maker Index. To date, we have received input from 339 parishioners (54% of our Sunday Mass attendees) online, and another 8 paper copies. Thank you for that great initial response. The paper copies may be returned to the box in the gathering space (to the right as you leave), dropped in the collection basket, or brought by the rectory at your convenience.
You have 22 more days to complete your 10-15 minute survey…
And a quick song of the day…
From Lent at Ephesus: Jesu Salvator Mundi (Jesus, Savior of the World)
Translation for those who did not study Latin:
O Jesus, Savior of the world
Deliver Thy servants whom
By Thy precious blood
Thou hast redeemed
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