Freezer Meals Service Project

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Join us to assemble meals for our freezer meals outreach on the evening of Tuesday February 25.

  • All adults of any cooking ability are welcome.
  • You may bring one student with you (8th grade or older). We ask that the student be your own child or a confirmation candidate you are sponsoring.
  • We will verify service hours for students as needed.

Please contact Jeannine Szatkowski using the form below by Sunday February 23. if you would like to help. You will be provided a list of ingredients to bring.

If you sign up and you can’t make it, we will still need you to get your ingredients to us so we have everything we need to make the meals.

Signups for this project are closed. You can still help by making cookie dough or donating bread or frozen vegetables. Contact Jeannine for more information.


