There are so many ways parents can help! One of the most important ways is to understand that this document is fluid and subject to change. The following are other ways we ask for your help:
Check temperatures and review the daily Health Questionnaire and with all your children before you arrive at school to avoid surprises.
Please do not disguise any symptoms by giving medications to reduce fever or other symptoms and then send your child to school.
Report symptoms or exposures related to COVID-19.
If you are called to pick up your child due to COVID-19 symptoms, please arrive at school within an hour of being called.
Please organize your plans now to provide childcare at home in case of illness, quarantine or all-school distance learning.
Please share out of town travel plans with school nurse to discuss return to school plans.
Provide your children with enough face masks that they can wear a clean one every day to school and have a spare clean mask in their backpack.
Practice wearing masks, proper handwashing techniques and explain the necessity of social distancing and group separation while at school.
LABEL, LABEL, LABEL! Please label all student items entering the school building including face coverings, water bottles, lunch bags or boxes, and clothing. We cannot maintain a Lost and Found this year. All lost items will be put into storage until safe to release.