Return to School Communication Methods

Return to School Plan

St. Justin released The Return to School Plan to families on July 30, 2020.  

The guidelines shared in that document are based on the best information at the time of publication.  As new research/information becomes available, guidelines may be adjusted and parents will be notified.

A video demonstrating key elements of our Return to School Plan (drop off, health screening, dismissal, etc.) will be sent to parents by August 7th.

A virtual Question and Answer session (TBD) is planned for early August in order to answer additional questions.   Because space and time are limited, please submit your questions to  We will address the most commonly asked questions in the meeting and provide written answers for all. More information about the Q&A session will be sent via SKNotify soon.


The official communication vehicle of school is SKNotify.  This includes an email and a voicemail option.  Communications regarding Return to School Plan will be sent out via SKNotify every Thursday afternoon until school resumes.  Please send the school office any updates in your contact information.

School Website

The School Website will include a link to this Return to School Plan and ongoing updates regarding any changing plans.  

Social Media

Any posts to the St. Justin website will automatically feed the St. Justin Parish Facebook and Instagram pages.  These platforms provide a way to further disseminate information already posted on the website, but they will not be our primary method of communication.


