What was Jesus’ occupation after the resurrection? 2nd Easter C 2019

What was Jesus’ occupation after the resurrection?

Can any of you guess what Jesus’ occupation was after the resurrection?  <<Solicit answers from first communicants>> 

Hint – WHERE were the disciples without Thomas?  Where were they with Thomas?   Locked in the upper room.  Behind locked doors.  Doors bolted.  Behind barriers.  Safe, they thought, from anyone who might try to get to them.  And even more so, they were locked in an upper room – removed from things. (Think of the diary of Anne Frank)

So, what is Jesus’ new job after the resurrection? 


John describes him as being able to break through any obstacle, any thing we put in the way.  And he does so almost whether we want him to or not.  You see, the risen Jesus wants to get into your heart, mind, and life.  His desire is to get to all the trapped places of our lives, all the things that hold us in the grip of fear and remorse and shame.  And he will do it despite all the obstacles we’ll set in his way.

And what do you think he wants most to unlock IN US? <<solicit answers>>

SADNESS                   SIN                  MISTAKES

FAILURES                 FEAR              BEING AFRAID

Jesus wants to unlock those doors to give us new energy, new life, new love – a new beginning when we thought we were lost.

We call that grace – what God accomplishes in me, despite my resistance to it, despite the fear that would keep my trapped behind whatever closed doors there are in my life.  We call that Divine Mercy, and it is Jesus all about being a locksmith to the doors that would keep us trapped.  This feast, celebrated now in the church for the past 19 years, is an invitation to us to all of us, no matter what we have done, no matter how our life has turned out, to turn to our Lord, confident that we can begin again. 

And if you don’t quite trust that, then listen to the next little detail in John’s gospel that sometimes get’s missed.  After his first wishing of the disciple’s: PEACE, what does he do?  He shows them his hands and sides.  He shows his disciples the effects of their rejection, the wounds he endured for their forgiveness.  He shows them the mark in his hands, and the hole in his side.  “Don’t forget what the world did to me.  And don’t forget that you had a part in that in your denial, in your betrayal, in your running from my side.  Now that he is sure that THEY know they have sinned – having shown them his hands and side – he says “SHALOM.”   Peace to you.  It is forgiven.  It is let go.  It is done and gone.  And like a locksmith picking the lock to a door, GOD’s forgiveness made available through Jesus Christ is able to break through the barriers the disciples put in the way of Jesus – and the barriers you and I put in the way. 

We are sinners.  That is a truth about our lives.  But the story does not end there.  We are FORGIVEN sinners.  Any and all sins can be forgiven.  Call it Redemption.  Salvation.  Access to eternal life, Divine Mercy – all of these are the same.  All comes down to that truth.  God is not served by our staying trapped in the wounds of our sin and hatred and smallness of heart.  He IS SERVED by our willingness to be set free and to become conduits of that love and grace and mercy to everyone. Whose sins we forgive, they are forgiven.  And when we hold each other, and ourselves bound, it is not what God wants for us.  Stop wasting your time there.  Life is too short to stay trapped.  And the church’s mission to bring the whole world into the experience of divine love is too urgent to stay removed in some upper room. 

First communicants – what is the most important thing that you can do for Jesus, the divine locksmith?  Make his job as locksmith unnecessary.  Locksmiths have to go to work when people can’t find the key to a door or car or lock.  But you know right where the key to your heart is, don’t you.  Right HERE.. <<pat chest>> That is what Jesus wants – he wants to come into your heart and life and love.  And that is what he promises us today – that he will always live within us, because we have said yes to receiving his gift, his body and blood into our hearts.  So, after you have received your communion – when you are back at your place, just imagine giving Jesus the key to your heart.  And then, feel him walking right in, because you gave him room in your heart and life.   So, you have permission to put Jesus out of a job.   He won’t mind, I promise…

You see, you and I share the same occupation of the risen Christ – to be mediators of the divine forgiveness, bearers of the divine love, locksmiths for the kingdom of God to all we meet.  Amen.  Alleluia!  




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